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Go to Device Manager in your windows Control Panel Update the sound driver and manually locate the drivers and point it to the Vista64 folder.. Double click on the Realtek device Go to the SRS tab and disable it Go to the Advanced tab and change the sample rate to 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality).. In the Advanced tab, under Jack Information, uncheck the popup dialog box option.

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Most true Dolby HT v4 chipset have two separate profiles, so when you plug in the headphone it switches to it.. I will post a walkthrough PDF when I have some time to put one together, but Ill quickly go over the instructions.. LINK TO FILE: Link removed, updated to v02 In the ZIP file there are three folders and they are numbered.. Go to Control Panel and run Dell Audio to bring up the sound options Under SpeakerHeadphone, turn off MAXAUDIO and SRS 8.. In the compressed file, instructions are available as well LINK Gamespirit Realtek Mod Download CCleaner AndDownload CCleaner and clean your registry.

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Obviously you will need to start at 1 Before you start, remove your existing sound driver software and uninstall the realtek drivers, then REBOOT. Micro-scope V12r Pc Diagnostics

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Click OK and reboot Choose the Dolby Tuning and Profile Creator app When it comes up, On the ALL TUNING PROFILES row, click on Import.. Close the Dell Audio menu Go to your Windows Start menu and type Dolby Click on Dolby Tuner and Profile Creator.. inx profile Done By the way, 16bit 48000hz sounds best in version 03 Leveraging Gamespirits Realtek mod in conjunction with the Lenovo X220 Dolby HT4 hacked drivers, I merged the relevant files to trick the realtek drivers into thinking its Dolby HT v4 even when our chip only supports Dolby HT v2.. Once the drivers have been installed, right click on the Volume icon in your tray (next to your clock) and choose Playback Devices.. So updated to v03 where I merged some DLL files from Dells original software Be sure to disable all sound enhancements except for Dolby Home Theater; and in control panel, the DELL AUDIO menu is now available.

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Uninstall your previous driver, then download and run CCleaner and do a registry clean to avoid string conflicts.. Reboot into option 7 disabling driver enforcement In folder 1, run the DTPC msi file; and when asked what to install, ONLY check Install asset files.. Read it carefully, the instructions have changed tremendously: LINK Update: By the way, the MIC for some reason crashes when the Realtek Microphone Technology turned on.. Gamespirit Realtek Mod Movie Mode IsGamespirit Realtek Mod Download CCleaner AndMost programs like Skype use their own noise cancellation technology, so this is not important to have on.. On the row that shows ALL TUNING PROFILE, click on Import Go to Folder 3 and choose the DJKLMNOP XPS 12 v03. b0d43de27c